
“My brain is the key that sets me free” — Harry Houdini.

The famous magician often used trick locks in his escapes. Although I usually pair cocktails with puzzle boxes, the inspiration for this libation is a puzzle lock. To unlock it, you may well need what helps when anything gets stuck – a little lubrication.

An apropos cocktail called the Lock Pick was originally created with Larceny Kentucky bourbon as an iced-tea filled long sipper. I admit I may have “tampered” with the lock a bit to create this hale riff which (if I do say so) really sets the drink free. Rather than the original pomegranate liqueur I use a hibiscus liqueur (Hum is particularly incredible) and instead of topping the drink off with iced tea I use a tea syrup, such as Earl Grey or chai. Try one when you need a little liquid libation inspiration to set you free. Cheers!


The Tampered Lock

1 ½ oz bourbon

¾ oz Hum (or other hibiscus) liqueur

¾ oz fresh lemon juice

½ oz Earl Grey tea syrup (or substitute chai syrup for a delicious variation)

Shake ingredients over ice and strain into a tamper proof glass. Lock down tight before someone else purloins your potion.


To learn more about this puzzling padlock and see the full article try:

Boxes and Booze: Locks and Libations