
Searching for the perfect snack to pair with a pint of the black stuff? U.K.–based company Burt’s Potato Chips now offers two varieties of potato chip inspired by the beloved Irish stout—plain Guinness Chips and the more adventurous Guinness Rich Beef Chilli flavor.

Our friends across the pond are pros at creating strange potato chip flavors (or, as they would say, “crisp flavours”). Some popular chips in the U.K. include beef and onion, roast chicken and even prawn cocktail.

As eccentric as some of these flavors might sound to Americans, the new Guinness chips might be worth a try. The bar snack was one of the 2014 winners of the Great Taste Award, a prize for specialty foods.

Read more about the potato chips at Elite Daily or try them for yourself by purchasing a bag on Amazon.