Pulse Report: Liquor Trends That Will Define the Next 12 Months
Contributed by on Jun 18, 2014
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This is a post from our partners at AskMen. Make sure to check out their entire Pulse Report, a compilation of 500 people, products and trends within 10 verticals (including fashion, food, travel, gadgets, movies etc.) that will define the next 12 months, forecasted by top experts in each field.
A core component of becoming someone whom your friends, colleagues and social network admire is by showing them that you are a man with vision. You are someone who knows how to help others discover, converse and learn about the things that are worth thinking about.
Enter: The 2014 Pulse Report
A new yearly guide for men who pride themselves on knowing what to talk about six months before everyone else, the 2014 Pulse Report is a go-to resource for both industry insiders and aspirational consumers on the things that will define their passion points over the coming year.
Powered with hand-selected information from AskMen's most respected experts, the 2014 Pulse Report breaks down the 500 people, products & trends that deserve the attention of forward-looking men.
Here's a sneak peek of the 50 biggest drink trends coming your way:
Wayne Donaldson
Thanks to the unique funding system of Naked Wines, this former winemaker for legendary Champagne producer Domaine Chandon (producers of Moët & Chandon) is now making his own terrific sparkling wine. It sells out as fast as he can make it, but it is well worth the effort it takes to secure a bottle.
New "New World" Wines
We’ve all heard of “New World” wines -- those from America, Australia and New Zealand, for example. In recent months, however, we've been impressed by wines from countries such as Brazil, England, Mexico and even China. They still have a way to go if they want to challenge the old masters, but their time is coming.
Thierry Puzelat
Natural wines are all the rage right now, but the herbicide- and pesticide-free approach can lead to some very hit-and-miss bottles. Thierry Puzelat is leading the charge in this trend, and his wines have a consistent quality that should be standard.
Melissa Cole
Beer brewing might seem like an unassailably male industry, but, if it is to maintain its current surge in popularity, it needs to appeal to the other 50% of the potential audience: women. Melissa Cole isn’t a great female beer writer -- she's a great beer writer who happens to be a woman, and who has the talent, as someone once put it, to “take the beard out of brewing.” Always worth reading.
Beer Foraging
The foraging trend that has been spearheaded by restaurants like Noma is now finding its way into the craft beer world, with brewers like Scratch Brewing Company in Illinois. Not all are good, but all are interesting.
Age-Your-Own Whisky Kit

You get two small bottles of 110 percent un-aged whisky and a two-liter barrel to start the aging process in this kit, and the end result is not bad at all. It's at its best, however, when you use it to age cocktails. Try aging a Manhattan for 60 days, and you'll see why.
Simon Ford
After years of being a mixologist and brand ambassador, Simon Ford is now making his own range of spirits aimed directly at the bar trade. Not only are they of the highest quality, but the bottles are ergonomically designed for mixing, making them a huge hit with the bartending community.
Don't be left in the dark. Be the first to know the next big thing. Check out the full list of the top 50 trends in food and liquor that will define the next 12 months.