TMNT Donatello
Contributed by on Jun 01, 2016
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This is my fourth and final turtle cocktail. That was sure fun creating those different colored cocktails. The last cocktail for this series I need to make is the one for Casey Jones. OH, I forgot to tell you! We watched the first TMNT movie last night and we liked it!! It was a good one, now I can't wait to see the new one that is coming out on Friday!
Today I reserved the spot where we are going to have our oldest sons graduation party. Yup, graduation party. Yup, from high school. Yup it's a year out, but if I didn't reserve it today it would be gone! Now the planning begins! We are throwing it with 3 other families which is nice. That way we get to split the cost and all party together, instead of assigning each family a weekend and having it drag on for weeks. I am excited to get together with everyone to plan it..........and yes a bit emotional about it too, hey that's what cocktails are for right?
Tonight my cocktail is for the final turtle, Donatello. Donatello is a shy, extremely smart and a bit reserved. These characteristics made me think of sloe gin.........which was kind of exciting because (are you sitting down?) it was something that I DID NOT have in my bar! Yes, you've heard it here first folks! Very exciting times when I get to add something to it.
Given that I'd never had sloe gin before, I knew I had to taste test it and see what colors I needed to mix it with so that my cocktail would come out purple, yet still taste good. Mission accomplished!
Don't forget to check out my other turtle cocktails: TMNT Raphael, TMNT Michelangelo, TMNT Leonardo as well as my Ninja Turtle cocktail and Hockey Stick.
Here is my recipe for TMNT Donatello:

TMNT Donatello
- 1 ounce orange vodka
- 1 ounce blueberry schnapps
- 1 ounce sloe gin
- 1 ounce sweet & sour mix
- 1 teaspoon lime juice
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above. Shake and dump everything into a cocktail glass.
Here is a photo of the ingredients:
Here's to completing all 4 turtles! Cowabunga Dude!
The Cocktail Lady