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What is DrinkWire?

DrinkWire is Liquor.com’s community platform featuring contributed content from the best bartenders, writers, videographers and bloggers around. You can find cocktail recipes, spirits tasting notes, bar reviews and more on DrinkWire.

Who should sign up for DrinkWire?

Do you write cocktail recipes, bar reviews, spirit reviews, bartending tips and tricks or lifestyle content related to alcohol? If so, you!

Why would I contribute to DrinkWire?

DrinkWire is a great way to gain exposure for your content across the web. The best DrinkWire content often gets featured on Liquor.com’s main social media channels!

What content performs well on DrinkWire?

The best content is relevant to the DrinkWire audience, includes high-resolution photos and is written well.

Will posts link back to my blog/social handles?

Yes! All articles will be linked to you as the author, as well as any social media handles you have connected through your DrinkWire profile.

How do I get a badge?

There are a number of badges you can earn as a DrinkWire contributor. Are you a pro bartender? A Chicago-focused writer? If you think you’re missing a specific badge, let us know!