An Excuse To Drink – Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Drink Guide
Contributed by on Nov 22, 2013
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Adrian Rogers, © BBC & BBC America
Saturday marks the 50th Anniversary of ”Doctor Who”, the “the longest-running and most successful sci-fi series in history”. Every Whovian worth their has been waiting for what seems ages, but the 75 country global simulcast of the special episode The Day of the Doctors will air at 2:50pm EST (here in the states) with an encore presentation at 7:oopm.
Exact plot details are a bit sketchy, but the official press release has a few clues:
In the special, the Doctors (Matt Smith and David Tennant) embark on their greatest adventure across space and time. In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space, an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor’s own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.
Now the Doctor and company have had more than their share of encounters with the alcoholic beverages over the years, so it will probably be easiest to break it down by type, and end with the quintessential Whovian cocktails!
The 1st, 3rd, 4th incarnations were avid red wine drinkers, whether enjoying it with Roman emperors, fighting off Daleks at a World Peace Conference or Sontarans in the Middle Ages. The current Matt Smith incarnation, doesn’t seem too enamored with the fruit of the vine and spits it back into his glass when offered it in the “Lodger” episode and out when he has his fateful picnic at Lake Silencio ( a bottle that was said to be thrown at him by Napoleon Bonaparte). His current companion, Amy Pond, has no such qualms and orders a bottle to share with Vincent Van Gogh in another episode.
The Doctor’s Wine quotes:
- 3rd Doctor- “That’s a most good-humoured wine. A touch sardonic, perhaps, but not cynical. A most civilised wine, one after my own heart.” ( Day of the Daleks)
- 4th Doctor describes 1979 as more of a “table wine” of a year. (City of Death)
Beer has a bit more tenuous relation with the good Doctor, especially when it is spiced with “Ginger Beer” (supposedly harms his resistance to alcohol) or strychnine to give it “body”. The 9th Doctor even claimed that a former prime minister drank him under the table when it came to beer.
Beer quotes:
The Brigadier- ”I’d rather have a pint” (“The Dæmons”)
Spirits and Cocktails:
Now this is where it get’s interesting:
- The 3rd Doctor enjoys a whiskey and soda during the “Sea Devils” episode
- Companion Clara Oswald declared Whisky to be the ”the eleventh most disgusting thing ever invented”.
- In the episode “World War Three”, the 9th Doctor threatens to triplicate the flammability of some brandy, prompting his Slitheen adversaries to declare that he was “making that up”. Later in the episode, the Doctor, Harriet Jones MP and Rose imbibe a measure of that brandy after a successful rescue.
- Former companion Sarah Jane Smith declared that she was no fan of brandy in the 4th Doctor’s adventure “Ark in Space”
- In the 7th Doctor episode “Battlefield”, Shou Yuing had a vodka and coke while she talked to Ace.
- In the “Doctor Dances”, another 9th Doctor adventure, galactic con-man Jack Harkness states that he once was sentenced to death and ordered three hypervodkas as a last meal.
“Whovian” Cocktails:
The following well-known cocktails have appeared in various episodes, sometimes way before their known creation and on one occasion, the work of the Doctor himself:
Sun Downer
In the 3rd Doctor adventure, “Carnival of the Monsters”, many sundowners consumed by the people within the Miniscope on the SS Bernice.
- 1 1/2 oz Malibu® Coconut Rum
- 5 oz Pineapple Juice
- 2 Dashes Angostura® Bitters
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: None
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass
Screw Driver
In “Black Orchid”, 5th Doctor companion Tegan drank a screwdriver 4 decades prior to its creation whilst at Lord Charles Cranleigh’s 1925 garden party.
- 6 oz Orange juice
- 1.5 oz Vodka
Glass: Collins or Highball
Garnish: None
Build in an ice-filled glass.
Side Car
In “The Unicorn and the Wasp”, 10th Doctor companion Donna Noble drank a sidecar whilst at Lady Eddison’s garden party in 1926.
Recipe adapted from Robert Hess
- 2 oz cognac
- 1 oz Cointreau
- 1/2 oz lemon juice
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: lemon twist
Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
Banana Daquiri
In “The Girl in the Fireplace” the 10th Doctor, apparently returning from a raucous Ancien Regime party with Madame de Pompadour, claimed that he might have “accidentally created the banana daiquiri”.
recipe adapted from
- 1 1/2 oz light rum
- 1 tbsp triple sec
- 1 banana
- 1 1/2 oz lime juice
- 1 tsp simple syrup
Glass: Hurricane or champagne flute
Garnish: Cherry
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