Apple of My IPA

Dustin Adams, The Cellar, Fullerton, CA, USA

“I decided to create an approachable beer cocktail because our Orange County patrons are still kind of new to the idea. Now that we’re in fall, what better beer to use than an IPA? The pineyness of the beer screams fall to me and I decided on a cider-esque cocktail, but not a warm one because here in Southern California we don’t really have a fall and barely a winter, so not everyone really wants a warm drink. So far we’ve had nothing but rave reviews. The balance between the softness of the Calvados and the sweetness of the cinnamon play well with the in-your-face notes of the allspice and the IPA. It’s Southern California’s fall in a glass.” Dustin Adams

Apple of my IPA45 ml (1.5 oz) Busnel calvados

22.5 ml (.75 oz) Cinnamon Syrup*

15 ml (.5 oz) fresh lemon juice

7.5 ml (.25 oz) St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram

75 ml (2.5 oz) Drake’s IPA

3 green apple slices on a pick, as garnish

Grating of fresh cinnamon, as garnish

Lightly shake all ingredients except IPA with ice in a shaker (you don’t want too much dilution). Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and add the IPA and garnishes.

*Cinnamon Syrup: Crush 3 sticks Ceylon cinnamon and combine in a saucepan with 240 ml (1 cup) water and 400 g (2 cups) sugar. Bring to a simmer, take off heat, and let sit for at least an hour. Then fine-strain and bottle.

gaz sez: This is a great use of ale in a cocktail, and Dustin balances everything very nicely, indeed. Apple of my IPA is perfect for the December holidays, too. I must remember that.

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