Charlie Wallbanger

Brian Nixon, McClellan’s Retreat, Washington, DC, USA

“We came up with this drink for our ‘Fern Bar’ throwback menu. The way the Galliano and Aquavit play together was good, but the Corrected Orange Juice and cardamom bitters really made all the flavors work together. People liked it so much I had to order more Galliano, something I never thought I’d have to do.” Brian Nixon

Charlie Wallbanger45 ml (1.5 oz) Linie aquavit

90 ml (3 oz) Corrected Orange Juice*

2 dashes Scrappy’s cardamom bitters

30 ml (1 oz) Galliano

1 orange slice, as garnish

Build in a Collins glass with ice. Float Galliano and add the garnish.

*Corrected Orange Juice: Mix 16 grams (1 tablespoon) citric acid and 10 grams (2 teaspoons) malic acid with 1 liter (1 generous quart) fresh orange juice.

gaz sez: Tee Hee! If you ever wondered what an empty bottle of Galliano looked like, now you have the answer. And this riff on the Harvey Wallbanger is just terrific. Back in the 70s we used tequila instead of vodka to make Freddie Fudpuckers, and they weren’t too shabby, either.

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