Early Evening Fizz

Nick Caputo, Sovereign Loss, London, UK

“This drink was created to achieve two things: To make a really accessible yet delicious Chartreuse cocktail and also to bring as much through of the armagnac too (which is overlooked as a cocktail ingredient). Chartreuse somehow just works as an equal-parts ingredient—more than you would think—and the salt in this drink stops the texture from becoming too cloyingly sweet. It’s refreshing and simple yet uses overlooked ingredients with a complex balance of ingredients. Plus who doesn’t like a good fizz from time to time?” Nick Caputo

Early Evening Fizz25 ml (.8 oz) Janneau VSOP armagnac

25 ml (.8 oz) Plymouth sloe gin

25 ml (.8 oz) green Chartreuse

25 ml (.8 oz) fresh lemon juice

12.5 ml (.4 oz) simple syrup (2:1)

1 pinch sea salt

1 egg white

60 ml (2 oz) soda water (plus more to top off, if needed)

1 lemon twist

1 lemon wedge and cherries, on a pick, as garnish

Dry-shake, then add ice and shake again. Serve Ramos gin fizz style—no ice with a big froth. To achieve this, pour soda slowly into a chilled highball glass at a 45° angle (this keeps as much carbonation as possible). Then start straining the drink over the soda quickly and get gradually slower to build the froth. Squeeze the twist over the drink, then discard. Add the garnishes. Serve with a straw, which should stand straight in the glass due to the foam.

gaz sez: Thank God someone’s using armagnac. I love armagnac. It’s a completely different animal than cognac, and I’d never dare to attempt to compare the two. Nick took some chances on this one, and his derring-do paid off handsomely. Well done, sir. I needed a good excuse to raid the armagnac . . .

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