Peace Offering

Josh Powell, 68 and Boston, London, UK

“I created this twist for the menu in this new venue in London. It’s a twist on a Paloma. Our bar takes a large influence in wines from around the world, and my menu here reflects this. This is one of my favourite serves.” Josh Powell

Peace Offering25 ml (.8 oz) Olmeca reposado tequila

25 ml (.8 oz) Cocchi Vermouth di Torino

20 ml (.66 oz) Argentinian Malbec

5 ml (.16 oz or 1 teaspoon) agave syrup

Grapefruit soda

1 grapefruit twist, as garnish

Freeze 100 ml (3.4 oz) of water in a simple glass decanter.

Shake ingredients over ice and fine-strain into the decanter. Top up to the neck with soda. Add the garnish and serve with a straw.

gaz sez: This is one of my fave serves, too. Don’t it look so elegant in that bottle? The flavors, too, are pretty suave, and the Malbec is an unusual ingredient to use in a tequila drink, but it works amazingly well.


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