Tiffin Punch

Wasantha Wikramasinghe, cellar 59, ART Rotana hotel, Amwaj Island, Bahrain

“The Tiffin Box can trace its roots back to 1811 in India. Whether it be the thousands of “tiffin-wallahs” distributing these amazing delicacies or a caring mother packing these for her children’s lunch, they are now an essential part of everyday life in India. This same idea can be used here, and we aim to provide good quality tiffins at an affordable price.” Wasantha Wikramasinghe

tiffin punch45 ml (1.5 oz) Tanqueray No. TEN gin

10 ml (.33 oz) fresh lemon juice

60 ml (2 oz) fresh grapefruit juice

60 ml (2 oz) lychee juice

4 pieces fresh ginger

90 ml (3 oz) Borgo Santo prosecco

1 marinated grapefruit slice, as garnish

1 slice fresh ginger, as garnish

Chill a Tiffin Box by filling with ice, then discard and add fresh ice.

Shake the gin, juices, and ginger over ice and strain into the Tiffin Box. Pour in the prosecco, then add the garnishes.

gaz sez: Here’s a great drink served in a unique way. I gave many points to this drink because of the presentation, but the bonus is that it tastes pretty fabulous, too. Well done, Wasantha Wikramasinghe!


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