medium 6054446149 11 Cool Facts About Bourbon

W e’re halfway through September, and we nearly forgot it was National Bourbon Heritage Month. Well, by forgot, we mean forgot to mention. We’ve been sipping on Makers Mark nearly every night this week (don’t judge me!). One thing I love about Bourbon having it’s own heritage month is it tends to get people excited about the spirit, and wanting to know more. Early in my drinking career I was pretty pathetic, not knowing the difference between a bourbon whiskey, and any of the other types. I just poured it in a glass, topped it with some coke and went on my day. Yes, I know, I was naive. We were putting together a list of some cool recipes and facts about bourbon when we came across this awesome info-graphic courtesy of Wild Turkey bourbon. So we thought we would share it with our readers. Test your knowledge and see what you already knew


bourbon infographic 11 Cool Facts About Bourbon