have used many muddlers in my career; some good, some bad, and some should be banned from existence. When I find a muddler that works well, is comfortable in my hand, and does the extraction work for me, I stick with it.

Image Arctic Chill is a muddler that does just this! Made from dishwasher safe and sanitary stainless steel with a nylon head,has a very ergonomic feel in my hand and is easy to work with. The ribbed head is unique in that the ribs themselves are big enough to muddler hard fruits but not so rigid that they easily tear herbs. That feature I REALLY liked as many muddlers are kind of all or nothing at all.

Another fantastic feature is Arctic Chill Muddlers come with a lifetime guarantee. Yep is you somehow manage to screw up the stainless steel or if the nylon head gives out, you can get a new one at no cost. That’s a pretty good deal for the price (which by the way is $13.95)

Order yours or one for your favorite cocktail geek from Amazon. And yes you still have time to get it before Christmas.