berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

berry smoothie with driscoll's by

I truly enjoyed the holidays and it definitely shows because my pants are a bit snug. Is anyone else having this problem? I also realized that I haven’t had a salad or fresh fruit since October. Oh boy. I actually like healthy food, especially fruit but around the holidays the only fruit you get is usually baked in a pie. It’s time to get serious about living a healthy lifestyle so I’m starting with regular workouts and this smoothie.

Also, I used honey powder instead of honey. I love the combination of honey with fruit because it has an almost floral taste but digging honey out of the bottom of my blender is not fun. Honey powder, which I found at a local Korean market, is just dried honey. It’s not sticky so I can sprinkle it into the smoothie and it won’t clump at the bottom.


Berry Smoothie

Yield: 1 cup

1 cup chopped Driscoll’s Strawberries

1/2 cup Driscoll’s Blueberries

1/4 cup Driscoll’s Raspberries

1/4 cup Driscoll’s Blackberries

1/2 cup Vanilla Soy Milk (coconut milk or milk is fine too)

2 tablespoons Honey Powder (honey or agave nectar is fine too)

1/2 cup Ice Cubes

Blend all ingredients.

Serve immediately.

All content & images copyright Food Fashion and Fun. Reproductions are strictly prohibited without express written consent.

Sponsored Post: While I received payment and product from Driscoll’s for this post the recipes, thoughts and opinions are my own.