
From Angel Teta, Portland Whiskey Guardian for Angel's Envy...

"Sometimes the best things in life are the most simple. That's how I feel about the Whiskey Sour. Four ingredients, and when combined with care and effort, simply perfect. The best one I've ever had was always when I sat across the stick from my pal Ciaran Wise. A barman over at a great spot Kask who's ginger bearded giant in stature and personality with an infectious laugh that immediately made the troubles of the day melt away, without even a sip of a drink yet. But even better, when I asked for my Angel's Envy Whiskey Sour, he always obliged with a smile, and every time it was perfection. I've traveled a ton, and love this drink across the country, but there's never been a finer one composed than when Ciaran shook one up. Cheers to you finding your perfect drink, and may you imbibe them often (and responsibly!)."

Angel's Envy Whiskey Sour

2 oz Angel's Envy
1 oz Demerara syrup 1:1
.75 oz lemon juice
.5 oz eggy blanco

Dry shake, wet shake, double strain, coupe, Angostura art