It's been a while since we last had some tequila action, but now we're throwing a libation straight out of the new menu in full swing. This wonderful addition was uncovered by my colleague Ciprian and belongs to Agostino Perrone of Connaught Bar, London. He stumbled upon it on Mr. Gaz's awesome website (I know he doesn't like to be called Mr. Reagan). It took only a glimpse for him to realize that the drink is an instant winner and he was damn right, it's quite successful and trust me fellas, Romanians are very picky costumers.

Foto: Cristian Manolache


Tequila 1 1/2 oz
Almond cardamom sugar 1/2 oz
Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice 3 1/2 oz
Galliano L'Autentico 1/2 oz
Ginger ale
  • Collins
  • Shake Strain, Top up ginger ale
  • Grapefruit peel

Almond cardamom sugar:

Sweet almonds 250 g
Caster sugar 125 g
Sugar syrup 18 oz
Water 4 oz
Cardamom pods 4 pieces
Nutmeg 1/4 piece
  • Blend
What is really interesting about this drink is that you get the tequila flavor, but not in a overwhelming way. It's exactly the essence of the spirit, that earthy-vegetal flavor without the eau-de-vie aftertaste, which is kinda repelling people (especially women and we don't want that to happen considering that two thirds of our guests are women). After the mild tequila smack, we get a well balanced acidity, as well herbs and spices working in the background. I find it very versatile, fitting well in every season.

Lots of thanks to Agostino Perrone for bringing us this drink, as well to the legendary Gaz Reagan for all the things that he did and he's still doing for our industry. Respect for the diligent research and all the knowledge he shared.
