Cinnamon Apple


Apparently July happened and now it's........August? Really?? How exactly did that happen?? This year our family has been busy little bees. We have a wedding and a vow renewal both coming up in August both ceremonies are 6 days apart from each other. Guess what, we're in them both too! How exciting is that?? The last couple months have been filled with preparing and partying as we get ready for both ceremonies. Can't beat that!

This school year that is starting up will mark the first time in the history of The Cocktail Lady that I will have all 4 kids in school......say what?! Oh it's true and oh so wonderful! Our oldest will start his Junior year of high school in a week, second oldest just received his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and will be starting middle school! Our girls will start the 1st grade and Transitional Kindergarten. did that happen? Speaking of school, I thought I'd make a school-like shooter to help you all get your kids back to school and start your school year routine again.

This shooter has a kick and a heat to it. You get the sour apple taste from the pucker, but I'll tell you, that Fireball on top......insert the kick here! These two layer perfectly on top of each other which is fun. When drinking this shooter you absolutely have to shoot the entire thing, otherwise you'll get a mouthful of Fireball and a little pucker.

Here is my recipe for a Cinnamon Apple:

  • 3/4 ounce sour apple pucker
  • 3/4 ounce Fireball Whisky
In a shot glass pour in the apple pucker. Holding a spoon upside down and having it touch the inside of the shot glass right above the pucker, slowly pour the Fireball down the back of the spoon to give your shooter that layered effect.

Here is a photo of the end result:


Here is a photo of the ingredients:


Here's to another half of a year flying by! Before we know it these kids will be in school, then it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving.....and so on.


The Cocktail Lady

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