
We kicked off the 2016 year of HBN Cocktail Club with a traditional sangria…

and a lovely evening laughing, visiting, and imbibing. Sangria has taken many many forms over the years and I know lots of people who have a recipe that they have perfected and will never change. However, almost every sangria comes from this traditional recipe, originally concocted in Spain — which you can pretty much alter however you want, based on your taste or what season it is.

Summer? How about a white peach sangria. 

January? You’ll love sticking to this heartwarming, rich, luscious recipe. 

You know, some days I am really glad that water wasn’t safe to drink back in ‘the old days’ – because it made people come up with lovely punches and sangrias. So, there, I said it. ;)


Rebecca January Cocktail Club Hostess: Rebecca

The story of my friendship with Rebecca is the typical internet one: online friends turn real life friends. YAY! Rebecca and I followed each other for a few years via social media outlets and generally supported each other in our individual blogging endeavors (check her out here at Salt City Style) in Salt Lake City. Eventually, we actually MET for lunch and talked about how we could perhaps collaborate on projects and chatted social media and marketing. Fast forward a few months to when we held our HBN Cocktail Club photo contest \\ Rebecca entered….AND WON! It has been so fun getting to know her then see her sangria skills in action! Also, she’s funny, witty, smart, and a joy to be around. Thanks for hosting, Rebecca!

January Cocktail Club Libation: Traditional Spanish Sangria

1 bottle Rioja
1/2 cup brandy
juice from two oranges
1 lemon, sliced
1 apple, sliced
1 orange, sliced
2 cinnamon sticks
1/8 – 1/4 cup sugar (optional)
8 – 12 oz soda water
ice for serving

In a pitcher or extra large jar, combine wine, brandy, orange juice, sliced fruit, cinnamon sticks, and sugar (if using). Stir and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. When ready to serve, add sparkling water or soda (sparkling soda can replace the sugar). Fill glasses with ice, top with sangria, and ENJOY!






Also, Rebecca provided us with SIX REASONS SANGRIA IS THE BEST —
which I think might be the most valuable portion of her recipe card! 

  1. It has a difficult level of 2 and only when compared to drinking wine straight from the bottle
  2. The only special skill required is slicing
  3. It’s hella lazy, but still an impressive drink to serve to large groups
  4. It’s highly customizable to include seasonal fruits, different herbs and spices, or infused simple syrups
  5. It’s equally perfect sipping in front of a fire in winter or on a patio in summer
  6. Booze-soaked fruit. #micdrop 


Spanish Sangria

Cocktail Club this month was SO MUCH fun and I am still so grateful for this group of cocktail enthusiasts who make learning about booze each month a priority. haha. Could be worse things to do on a Saturday night, right? PS – check out the beautiful decanter from Boozetique. Isn’t it lovely? I want to drink all the things from it.

We have some fun things coming up – so stay tuned! We will be featuring some new brands and also touring the Beehive Distillery in March. Follow our fun with hashtag #HBNCocktailClub. <3



Cocktail Club is brought to you by Boozetique,
where you can find the BEAUTIFUL decanter in the photos above.