cucumber gin spritzer

Ah springtime, it’s a truly fantastic time (unless you have allergies, then I feel bad for you and Alice knows your pain). When the flowers finally start blooming, trees start becoming green again and bugs start annoying you everywhere and getting squished on your car, you know it really is time to celebrate. Why yes, by celebrate, I do mean exactly what I always mean: it’s time for a refreshing, cooling and crisp cocktail. Today’s celebrations brought to you by the Cucumber Gin Spritzer.

I bet you can guess what you’re getting in this one: cucumber, gin and some spritz (a little fizz makes things just seem that much more refreshing).

azzurre gin

For the gin, we couldn’t think of much better than Azzurre Gin — it’s clean and refreshing. You’ll find everything you need in a nice sipper here, floral notes, some citrus, smooth texture. I’m not going to lie, while figuring out the right proportions for the Cucumber Gin Spritzer I had to drink plenty of Azzurre Gin straight. It was a tough job, but I was up to it.

add cucumbermuddle gin, cucumber and lime

To that, we added lime juice and cucumbers. Cucumber water inspired us. OK, well, the cucumber water that they’re always drinking on “Better Call Saul.” We figured that if anyone could use a little kick of booze, it’s Saul (or Jimmy as they call him — come on name change!).

Now, if you’re ready to relax and enjoy spring, you’d better get ready to get your cucumber refreshment on too! (Wait, you want lemons? Fine, fine, we can do that too, have a Radler.)

garnish with cucumber and limecucumber gin spritzer

Let’s get to the Cucumber Gin Spritzer so we can get the full refreshing effects going ASAP.

Cucumber Gin Spritzer
Prep time
2 mins
Mix time
2 mins
Total time
4 mins
Recipe type: Drinks
Servings: 1
  • 3 oz. gin
  • 1 oz. lime juice
  • 3 slice of cucumber
  • Club Soda
  • Slice of lime
  • Slice of cucumber
  • Glass type: old fashioned
  1. Add your gin, lime juice and cucumber to your mixing glass.
  2. Muddle.
  3. Add ice.
  4. Shake.
  5. Put down.
  6. Add ice to your old-fashioned glass.
  7. Strain cocktail into your glass.
  8. Garnish with slice of lime and cucumber.
  9. Admire spring.
  10. Celebrate refreshment.