
I received a question from a reader about the expiration date of booze and wanted to share my response with all of you.  It's something many at-home bartenders ask, especially when someone brings over a bottle of scotch to a holiday party and only drinks a little.  A year later, you haven't touched it - is it still good?  What about that bottle of unopened vodka in your bar - still ok to bring that to your friend's housewarming?

Unopened Bottles: Distilled spirits, unlike wine, do not age in the bottle. So that bottle of whiskey, gin or vodka you found unopened is still good.  Feel free to enjoy it even it's been a couple years.  

Opened Bottles: Now, if it's opened it's a little bit more complicated. To get the most out of an opened spirit, you really should consume it within about 8 months, perhaps even a year.  After that time the alcohol will start to evaporate and oxidize. It's still drinkable, but it's not that same great bottle of whiskey you first enjoyed at opening. 

Tips: Store your liquor in a cool, dry place so you don't speed up the oxidation process.  Also, keep bottles upright. That means, don't use your wine rack as a catch all for your spirits. Finally, if you have an opened bottle of whiskey (or any spirits for that matter) that you don't know how to use, try to experiment with different cocktails. When in doubt you can always email me and I'll happily give you a recipe I'm sure you'll love!