Most of the time collaborating with a big brand can bring a lot of support for your business, as well as stability and certain advantages that will keep your establishment thriving.

But what happens when these chumps won't keep their promises?
Very simple, reverse weapons. Thing is, as big as they are, brands need bartenders, not vice versa. Anyway I'm not building a hate speech here, nor trying to create a revolution. I just think that people should have more self-esteem and whenever possible to push the limits, because this is what it is all about, better living and a happier life (still hope to see the day when those two won't have to be fueled by money).
Back to our matters, sometimes out of misfortunate events good things can raise, such as this little drinkie here:

Dublin lemonade:

Irish whiskey 2 oz
Becherovka 3/4 oz
Fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 oz
Linden syrup 3/4 oz
Tonic water
  • Collins
  • Shake Strain, Top up tonic water
  • Lemon slice
Yeah, you guessed, it is a spin on the Lynchburg lemonade. But it takes alcoholic lemonades to a whole new level and depth. Trust me fellas you just have to try the Becherovka and linden combo. This two ingredients add a harsh herbaceous kick, but in a good way. It's like punching a bag filled with herbs, releasing fragrant scents with every blow. And because it's quite a volatile flavor, tonic water mellows everything out just right and adds a bit of length as well.