Suzanne prepares the Proper English at the ORO Pisco Manly Cocktail Competition, Treasure Island, San Francisco, July 2011

When Friday comes, we're all ready for happy hour.  Enjoy this especially manly cocktail tonight - created with ORO Pisco in 2011 for the Manly Cocktail Competition.  It was put together with the manliest ingredients we could think of - barrel aged water frozen into cubes, ORO Pisco Quebranta, Montenegro and Peychaud's bitters, with a pipe tobacco smoked glass.

Proper English

2 oz ORO Pisco Quebranta
0.5 oz Montenegro
two dashes Peychaud's bitters
glass smoked with "Proper English" tobacco blend, purchased at The Piedmont Tobacconist
oak barrel aged ice cube

Put a hearty pinch of the pipe tobacco blend on a saucer, light, then set single old fashioned glass over and allow to collect the smoke.  In a glass, combine ORO Pisco Quebranta, Montenegro and Peychaud's.  Stir with cubed ice.  Strain into smoked glass and finish with oak aged ice.

Enjoy!  I'll see YOU there!

-- Suzanne