Friendsgiving is right around the corner, so it's time to start thinking about wine and food pairings for the big day. The great thing about Friendsgiving is that it can serve as a testing ground for new things or a completely nontraditional holiday gathering. You can go the traditional turkey and stuffing route, and if you do it's best to pair those flavors with a traditional Pinot Noir. But if you decide to mix things up a bit, that's OK, too.

If you decide to go with spicy food like curry, seafood, or even your baked brie appetizer, Chardonnay is going to pair best. Sparkling wines always feel festive, and they make great cocktails, too! Pair your sparkling wines with cheeses, desserts, fresh oysters, and more.

Planning ahead can make your holidays more enjoyable. Learn more about food and wine pairings for the holidays from this infographic from Sonoma-Cutrer!
