Hockey Stick, TMNT, cocktail, Casey Jones

I created a cocktail for all 4 of the Ninja Turtles over the past 4 days. In reality I totally could have stopped there, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, our family really likes Stephen Amell and since he is playing Casey Jones in the TMNT2 movie I just knew I have to create a cocktail for him too. Tonight I did just that, so Stephen Amell if you are reading this (right Jen, like he's a faithful long time reader of your your dreams), this cocktail is for you!

In my mind, if Casey Jones was to go to a bar after a long night of being a vigilante and fighting crime, he would order a cocktail that had whiskey in it. Once I decided that I was going to use whiskey, I opened up my bar and there it was front and center......Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey! It's like it knew I needed to use it or something.


So I added Honey Whiskey, orange juice and lemon juice.


I shook it up real good to give everything the perfect chill and strained it into my mason jar.


After that was all said and done my husband called. While we were on the phone I was telling him about what I used in tonight's cocktail and he gave me the name Hockey Stick. Pretty clever...


Don't forget to check out my other turtle cocktails: TMNT Raphael, TMNT Michelangelo, TMNT Leonardo, TMNT Donatello as well as my Ninja Turtle cocktail.

Here is my recipe for a Hockey Stick:



  • 1 1/2 ounces honey whiskey
  • 3 ounces orange juice
  • 1/2 ounce lemon juice


Fill a cocktail glass up half way with ice cubes.In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above. Shake and dump everything into the cocktail glass.

Here's to all four Ninja Turtles and Casey Jones!


The Cocktail Lady