Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

Homemade Coffee Liqueur from Foodfashionandfun.com

I needed coffee liqueur for an upcoming drink recipe. I looked all over the place and everything I found was super sugary and filled with chemicals. I did a little research and figured out that I could just make my own with better ingredients. It was super easy and fast (not including the 3 days it took to steep) to make.

Homemade Coffee Liqueur

Yield: 1 1/2 cups

1/2 cup strong black coffee, cooled

1/4 cup honey

1 vanilla bean, sliced down the middle to expose the inside

1/2 cup spiced rum

Combine the honey and 1/4 cup of water in a pot and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let this syrup cool to room temperature.

Add cooled coffee, syrup, vanilla bean, and rum to the glass jar. Let that mixture steep for 3 days, then remove the vanilla bean and bottle the liqueur.


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