This whisky is from an independent bottler named Cadenhead. They acquire the juice(whisky) from other distillers and then bottle it themselves. Below is their 28 year sherry Highland Park bottle at 55.5% ABV. We are big fans of Highland Park 15, 18 and the 25. Its big bold but elegant flavors put our palates into a mini frenzy every time we take a sip. I was expecting big things from this batch. WMCadenhead's are Scotland's oldest independent bottler.
Name: WM Cadenhead Highland Park 28 year
Region: Scotland (Highlands original batch)
Proof: 111% proof
Nose: Although the bottle contains pretty light colored whisky, the nose smells that of a strong stench of sherry. There are hints of Nuts, Citrus and Smoke as well.
Palate: Spicy Sherry, sweet, butterscotch, vanilla and full tannins.
Finish: The Finish is quite short and light, the oak and spice quickly dissipate and you are left with nothing on the tongue.
Score: 82
Its a very pricey bottle and there is just not enough there to make this really worth while. It starts off really strong, but leaves you flat on the end. For a 28 year whisky I expecting a more darker amber coloring and a more spicy peat like finish. Of which I got barely neither. I would move on.