jack and coke float

During the time that my father was in the Navy, he discovered drinking. By discovered, I mean, he discovered he’s not really a fan. So, consider my shock when last year we were out for Father’s Day brunch (not a thing, but my mother insisted) and he ordered a Jack and Coke and liked it! His love of Coca-Cola certainly helped, but that inspired me. This one’s for my father: the Jack and Coke Float!

mcconnells ice cream

Growing up, my mother would work nights, so my father did quite a bit of the cooking for us. One of the most popular nights in the house was when he didn’t feel like cooking, so we got to go to the store and pick out our very own Swanson TV Dinner. As everyone knows, you pick your TV dinner based on the dessert (obviously).

However, I learned an important lesson on those TV dinner nights, one I remember to this day. Get ready to have your world rocked. You ready?

Eat your dessert first.


I’d learned that you pick your TV dinner based on the dessert, but eating that first, it was a revelation! As he put it, “You just never know what’s going to happen.”

jack danielsadd coke to your jack and coke float

Honestly, I’m not sure what he thought would happen — I always figured space aliens would come down and tell us they needed us to help defend the universe — but eating dessert first, that’s an important one.

That’s a long-winded way of saying yes, this is the perfect cocktail for anytime. It’s not just an after-dinner drink, it’s a during and before one too!

How is it? Well, if you love Coke (as my father does), enjoy good quality ice cream (we went with McConnell’s a local favorite, but go with your favorite, you father deserves it) and Jack Daniels (even if you’re not much of a drinker, like my father, when mixed like this, even he approves), then you’ll love it.

Oh, one more thing. Cocktails need garnishes, this one being no exception. Channeling my father, I knew there was only one perfect garnish: a chocolate chip cookie.

garnish jack and coke float with a chocolate chip cookiejack and coke float

Now, get out there and make this for your dad. I know I will.

Without further ado, the Jack and Coke Float!

Jack and Coke Float
Prep time
3 mins
Mix time
2 mins
Total time
5 mins
Recipe type: Drinks
Servings: 1
  • 3 oz. Jack Daniels
  • 9 oz. Coca-Cola
  • Scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • Chocolate chip cookie
  • Glass type: pilsner
  1. Put a scoop of ice cream into your glass.
  2. Pour Jack Daniels on top.
  3. Top with Coke.
  4. Garnish with a chocolate chip cookie.
  5. Give to your father.
  6. Make one for yourself.
  7. Enjoy some time with your dad.
  8. You should probably eat the rest of those cookies while drinking it too.