L’Entree des Artistes Pigalle 30-32 rue Victor Massé 75009 Paris Following a few years of anticipation, L’Entrée des Artistes has opened in their new location. The Oberkampf original offered a solid wine, cocktail and food menu in an unassumingly cool little space. Little extras elevated matters like jazzy music, the vintage cash register and some of the city’s first forays into barrel aged cocktails. Nearly four years later, their latest venture, L’Entrée des Artistes Pigalle, delivers the same hat trick of food, wine and cocktails but in a dramatically different SoPi space.  While not hidden, the entrance isn’t entirely obvious. Once inside, it’s dimly lit and sexy with a New York in the noughties sensibility. They’ve got a lot more space to play in with two floors that mix warm and weathered (exposed brick and wood) with cool and modern (glass, marble & fashionable speakers suspended from the ceiling.) At opening, the place was empty and quiet. Hardly an hour later, the place was packed with pretty people and the music level rose with the animated chatter. While they’ve diverged in decor, they’ve stuck with the formula that worked so well for them in the past: good drinks, wines and [...]