The nights get long and the days are short, it’s that time of year. A time of sweet drinks and Christmas cheer. Time to grab a pint of one of my favorite holiday beers.

First up is Anchor Brewing co. and their wonderful “Christmas ale”. This one is super cool because every year they have a different recipe and a different tree on the bottle. Very tasty.


Next up is “Monk’s Blood” from 21st Amendment Brewery. This one is hoppy and sure to put a pep in your step this holiday season. I’m also a HUGE fan of their “Fireside Chat”, which is amazing.


Last but not least we have “Jubleale” from Deschutes Brewery. A festive nose, some sweetness, and hops to keep a going this holiday season.


Grab a sip of something nice, get cozy, and listen to sweet pitter patter of precipitation.

Song of the Drink: Michael Buble’-Me and Mrs Jones