Oh yeah, the first Mixology Monday episode of this year and this theme does not lack excitement. As Doc was saying were stuck with the nastiness of winter. All the cool vibe is behind us, the excitement of the first snow is long gone and we have to deal with this damned weather. The only relief we have on hand, beside the warmth of the loved ones... a hot tipple.

Yes, I've been waiting for quite some time for a opportunity and now is the time to pop the:
Foto: Urbanfever.ro

Mulled wine:

Wine 8 oz
Apple 1/4 (cored and diced)
Brown sugar 2 tsp
Orange peel

  • Mug
  • Hot infusion
I don't know were the mulled wine has it's roots, but it's a Romanian tradition as well. And there are lots of variations for it and I mean Romania only. I did a bit of research and I saw that many countries are doing it and everyone is using it's local produce which is very cool.
The recipe that I picked is very simple and flavorful, but there is always room for a bit more complexity. Want to add cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, herbs... whatever you want, the world is at hand. I like to keep it simple and focus on the quality of ingredients because this is what truly makes the ordinary extraordinary.

Although I wrote quite a short post I was barely waiting this episode of Mixology Monday and I'm anxious to see what others came up with. Until next time best regards dear bloggers and Doc and keep raising the bar.