deerhammer-distilling-0004 Never a Bad Day of Making Whiskey

The S|I Founders Series with Lenny Eckstein of Deerhammer Distilling

Last week, Something Independent released the third edition in their Founders Series, this time featuring Lenny Eckstein of Deerhammer Distilling. In the Founders Series, Something Independent takes its viewers beyond the product to capture the soul of Colorado business founders that are operating at the intersection of commerce and lifestyle. To spend time with them is an opportunity to experience their spirit, their passion, and their perspective on building a life around their business – or perhaps the other way around.

Deerhammer Distilling, located in Buena Vista, Colorado, is a product of Lenny and Amy Eckstein, and was a progressive focus of efforts filtered through a background in homebrewing. Lenny has shared that “there was no overnight decision to open a distillery,” and it was more or less a personal challenge to achieve a great distilled spirit after the first whiskey runs sparked his interest. His first batches, Lenny has shared, “were disgusting, but I took that as a challenge. I’ve always liked sucking at things because you can only get better.” The stories behind the brands of artisan spirits are often an essential ingredient to the flavor of the final product and make them much more enjoyable.

Lenny, who has made an impressive leap from his first batches to a respected lineup of competitive whiskeys – and the occasional brandy, are filling the Buena Vista air with the spirit of Deerhammer. The products have been beautifully packaged and have been making great presence on some of Denver’s most reputable cocktail bar shelves. Take a closer look into the story of Deerhammer Distilling and you will find no shortage of culture in the brand. Lenny’s strife for reaching a quality product begins with the support of the Buena Vista community and why he explains that, “There’s never a bad day of making whiskey.”

The post Never a Bad Day of Making Whiskey appeared first on Industry Denver.