ravens-laceIs the new Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey from Heaven Hill out of Bardstown, Kentucky a smartly created, low budget flavored whiskey targeted towards female drinkers, or an insult to whiskey drinking women everywhere? It is a question definitely stirring some debate right now.

The product, bottled at 60 proof, “infuses juicy peach and sweet strawberry flavors with the smoothness of bourbon whiskey,” according to Heaven Hill. The packaging for it, meanwhile, “features an intricate feminine lace design coupled with the Raven’s mysterious side incorporated in a unique label which dramatically contrasts the vibrant peach whiskey in the bottle.”

This flavored whiskey apparently has been targeted, noted those behind it,

to the growing segment of female consumers for whom traditional whiskey is not necessarily their drink of choice but are interested in the sweet taste of flavored whiskeys. By all accounts, flavored whiskey is growing tremendously and makes up 12% of whiskey sales according to the Wall Street Journal. And women are playing an increasingly important role in the whiskey category with about 40% of flavored whiskey consumed by females.

Now, there is no question there are a percentage of people who will drink this whiskey. What really stands out here though is the issue of whether or not there’s much of a difference these days between men and women when it comes to whiskey. In the pro camp, a statement from the product’s brand manager Hannah Venhoff:

We see tremendous opportunity for consumer diversification in flavored whiskey. Many of the flavored whiskeys on the market take a macho and assertive approach. Raven’s Lace features a trend-setting flavor profile targeting females looking for a sweet flavored whiskey with a bold color and package that is made for them.

Ok, seems like a fair enough statement from Venhoff around how this whisky is being targeted. In the hell no camp, by contrast, a growing number of whiskey bloggers:

  • “The likelihood of a guy liking this garbage is just as high as a female: zero point zero percent chance.” – Whiskey on the House
  • “Oh, boy. I know many whiskey-drinking women who hate flavored whiskey more than me, and they’re not too keen on this whole marketing to women notion. Believe me, I know.” – Fred Minnick

Some pretty powerful statements, to say the least. What do you think? Take our poll below and leave your comments as well. Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey, by the way, will price around $15 when it releases this June in Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Tennessee.

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