Am I already seeing smiles on your faces? Well, imagine how hard it is for me to write this? I think secrets are best kept with oneself, but if it is for the betterment of others, why not share them?

Many of us go to a bar to have a good time. I mean, drinking with buddies, seeing familiar faces around and socializing, downing and then dancing. Many go to the bar as they feel that it is the best pickup place.

enjoying at bar

Seriously?? Yeah! - I would agree whole heartedly. We are at our best mannered in the beginning, well dressed, relaxed and conversations just happen. So all I would say that it is really difficult for you to go unnoticed by someone interested in you.

However, there are many who go only with the intention of getting hooked at a bar and I do not think they succeed really well in that, as they are sophisticated, not being themselves and sometimes annoying.

getting hooked

Let’s start with a success story but this one was pretty expensive.

Back in my early working days in Switzerland, I knew someone who would buy anything for a woman, and sometimes even order a magnum of champagne, just to impress her. He used to drink vodka quiet often. If he was on a mission, he would start with Smirnoff ice, set eyes on the lady, grove to the music and then sit at one end of the bar. He would not show up until the next day. $3000.00 a night is what he spent at the bar? Ain’t that a little too expensive? He was happy as he had a good success rate: D. Unfortunately all his training went in vain as I just hated soft beverages. The rum drinker- not many women like men who drink rum. Reasons- It is considered cheap, the breath stinks and it is a put off and they are generally considered old fashioned people. I admit that I am a Rum drinker and rarely like to shift myself to other drinks.

The whisky and Wine drinker, all suited up, would look too sophisticated, conscious of his talks and moves and is very careful in his approach. I would not call them carefree, unless they are a lot of drinks down. The Gin and Vodka drinker- Considered cool, different from the lot, they are generally appreciated by women for the fact that they like what the women like and vice-versa. Cocktails are aromatic and you do not stink of alcohol at the end of the day.

Beer and other soft beverage (Breezer by Bacardi, Ice by Smirnoff) drinkers are the ones you should watch out for. They do not get drunk really fast coz all they are gulping is water with a little bit of alcohol (My description of beer- unintentionally willing to hurt feelings of beer lovers). They are in control of their action, speech and thought. They are able to focus as the drink has not gotten the better part of them and they know that they are on a mission. Once the mission is accomplished, they would escort their partner to the bar and then- One Tequila! Two Tequila! Three Tequila! Home. No bye bye’s on the way to their buddies.

What would be a woman’s perspective? Oh! Did we forget to mention that?

Let me simply categorize them into 3. The College goers, the working class and the accomplished women. College goers drink more than the other 2 segments. Reason being, they just want to have fun. And am sure, they would only consider a hard liquor drinking guy as someone macho. They may be in their breezer days but not many like beer. The burrrp is a turn off. Ewww!!! They even like trying out new drinks like a Bacardi and coke? The working class women are the ones who generally drink on business meetings. They are a bit more sophisticated and they like wine, a whisky maybe or even a few good cocktails to unwind but they drink in their limits. They have a tomorrow to think about.

women drinker

The accomplished women are more of high class drinkers. They meet on socialite parties, enjoy classy cocktails and even a vodka tonic could be their favorite.

But in all this, what do they really look for in a guy?

Sense of humor, he should be gentle in his approach, he should be able to have a decent conversation over a few drinks, should be someone who would want to buy them a drink if not, atleast accompany them to the bar to get one, the guy should be charming of course!. The guy should not be a tippler and should not be the one that the lady should drop off at home, before heading to hers.

Guys, it is always good to have a few at the bar and have the rest at your home. This makes the woman more comfortable in your company. Be protective, but do not follow her like a shadow. She definitely knows what she is doing.

Damn! I write all this but have I ever followed them? Like is said earlier, secrets are best kept with oneself.

Cheers gulpers! Drink responsibly, be safe, socialize liberally!