It’s that time of year where the holidays are over and we buckle down for whats to come for the winter. Our seasonal cocktail, the Hibernating Honey Bear, is fitting for the time of year!

It is a delightful and balanced blend of sage-honey syrup and our award winning bourbon. Check out the recipe below. If you want more knowledge about making simple syrups check out a previous post here!

hibernating honeybear, bourbon, sage, honey

Hibernating Honey Bear Cocktail
2oz Wiggly Bridge Bourbon.75oz Sage-honey Syrup
Orange peel, as garnish

Methodology: Add all ingredients to tumbler with ice. Shake well and strain into a rocks glass. At the distillery we use a hand cut cube. Garnish with orange peel and sage leaf.

Sage-Honey Syrup

1 cup of Swans Raw Honey
1 cup of boiling water
10 sage leaves to sit overnight in honey water mixture.

sage, honey, syrup