My husband graciously bought me an IRobot Roomba 650 for Mother’s day. I had been hinting at wanting one for awhile. Vacuuming everyday was becoming tedious and our coffee bamboo floors (pictured below) and hairy cat and dog were not mixing.


I charged my Roomba over night and was so excited to start him up in the morning! I pressed the gleaming “Clean” button. He woke up with a happy tune, turned on his vacuum, and started scooting around the house. Technology; amazing.

Then chaos ensued. The cat streaks out of the room (to be expected). The dog who I expected to ignore Roomba or want to play with him, starts screaming. Not barking straight screaming like someone is killing him. I try to calm him down, not working. I put him in his kennel since I am about to leave for work… still screaming. I had to turn Roomba off and put him back on his dock.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

After 1 day the dog no longer minded Roomba and welcomed him graciously. My dog especially enjoys it when Roomba finds his toys under the couch and pushes them out for him to play with. When can I get a Roomba that will play fetch with my dog?!?

-Roomba Review-

I freakin’ love my Roomba. 5/5

The vacuum power is great. It picks up all debris off of the floors, especially pet hair. He rarely misses any parts of the house.

Noise level-Don’t forget it is a vacuum, so it does make noise. Roomba is still quieter than my small shark navigator which is also a great vacuum.

I could not believe how much hair this little guy picked up it was amazing. The presets also work great. He has no trouble going over rugs, finding his docking station, and he is great at getting unstuck. He even picked up all the cat litter around the cat box.

The only thing we had to do was ‘Roomba Proof’ our house. Picking up any cords he could get caught, on moving things off of the floor, and so on. Which actually just meant picking up our house. He is also some great entertainment. $300 well spent!


Dirty Rumba 2.jpg
photo: Foodietails

Dirty Rumba (Roomba)
In honor of my little Roomba man who is going to have a hard life as a robot.

1/2 Lime cut into quarters
3/4 tablespoons of Brown Sugar
a few mint leaves
3 oz Light Rum
Ice Cubes
Soda Water

Add lime quarters, brown sugar and mint leaves to shaker. Muddle in shaker. Add rum and shake. Strain into tumbler, add 2 ice cubes, top with chilled soda water. Drink and watch your Roomba clean your house for you.