JAD%2Bbottle.png One of the best parts of visiting Chicago's Independent Spirits Expo last month was getting to meet the people behind the rum. Jersey Artisan Distiller (JAD) is one of those near the top of my list. Now, don't get me wrong - every Distiller we met was absolutely great. The new ones we had not been acquainted with, ones we had featured but not had the opportunity to try - all these visits were GREAT, but JAD was kind of special.

woman%2Bstill%2Blove.jpgContributor%2Bsmll.jpg If you look over to the right of the main blog (on our page, not sure how you are viewing, I am talking at Rick the Rum Runner, using a PC) you get to see a column entitled "Popular posts in the last 30 days." As one could imagine, most of the list is comprised of blogs done within the last month or two. Occasionally, when we do a follow up with a Rum and/or Distiller, the older visit will pop up on that list as well. Not so with JAD. They climbed there soon after the their very first article and have remained there pretty much since! Everything about Jersey Artisan Distiller's is about Enthusiasm, Passion & Fun. Part of that is Krista Haley and Brant Braue. Now Brant is the Distiller and Krista is the partner concerned with primarily the legal end and is a marketer of great personality and passion. I list Krista first because she was THE contact that got RTRR the information and the spirit of JAD. So, before they were really on the market with Busted Barrel Rum, they were featured in this, the first blog here.

Apparently the Enthusiasm, Passion & Fun part extends beyond the making, and marketing of Busted Barrel, as JAD has, as of this writing, well over 500 page views since January 30, 2013, making it the #1 viewed post of all 270 we have done!!! In fact they are still on the "Popular posts in the last 30 days" list with over 20 pageviews over the last thirty days! Now for McDonald's these numbers seem paltry - but for a tiny blog in the growing world of Rum -- it's substantial. In a rare moment of humbleness, some of my blog posts don't have 20 pageviews for their entire life!!!

So -- let us do a few things - Let's taste some Busted Barrel, lets talk to Jersey Artisan Distillery and let's meet Krista!!

 Sorry -- Could not get a thumbnail here..
Ok -- that was as much fun to watch as it was to have done...  In it I mention that Dark & Stormy as a favorite drink. Seems every time I mention it in person, people are curious as to its ingredients. There are "Brand Name" Dark & Stormy recipes but simple it is: 
10-12 oz Glass with ice
Dark Rum (absolutely no reason not to use Busted Barrel Dark)
Ginger Beer
DarkandStormy-001-de1.jpg I tend to over measure a good 2 oz of rum - fill with ginger beer. We are NOT talking Ginger Ale, we mean Ginger Beer. This is a less sweet, very quenching drink. You can add some lime - even lemon has been used - I tend to avoid the citrus except in real warm weather (It adds to the thirst quenching part of the drink). Don't worry I have avoided scurvy so far.

I will do my best to keep you up with what is happening in Craft American Made Rum -- Just keep coming back!