Wine Syrup and CC’s Punch
Contributed by on Nov 03, 2016
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Hola y’all! So I got an idea from the Smuggler’s Cove book and someone from the Cocktails sub on reddit to make Wine Syrup. Smuggler’s Cove uses the syrup in a Tiki Drink but I was thinking it would be totally rad in autumnal/wintry cocktails.
Wine Syrup
- 16 oz California Cabernet Sauvignon
- 8 oz Cane Sugar
-Heat wine on low heat until it has reduced to 1/2 original volume. Stir in Sugar. Remove from heat, cool, and keep in the fridge in a covered container.
The syrup is super delicious! It’s like a cross between a sexy, upscale Grenadine and Ruby Port. Since it reminded me of Port, I felt like a Punch recipe would be a great application for the Wine Syrup.
CC’s Punch
- 1 oz Dry Brandy
- 1 oz Hamilton 86 Rum
- 3/4 oz Wine Syrup
- 3/4 oz Lemon Juice
- 3/4 oz ice Cold Water
- 1 barspoon Bénédictine
- Garnish: freshly grated Nutmeg
-stir ingredients and pour into punch cups over ice. Grate nutmeg on top and serve.
Cheers and hope y’all have tons of fun with this syrup!
Thanks u/MONDARIZ for the inspiration!