
It’s surprising how many start-up bars are so busy getting up and running that owners and managers forget to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

Worm of mouth or negative guest experience is customer catastrophic! Customers tell us how we’re doing or more importantly not doing... when we think we’re doing great we may not be doing as well as we think... the silent assassins are loudly talking your business down or talking up a competitors at your expense.

Why do we call this “worm of mouth”… picture this…a beautiful red apple at the fruit shop, it looks perfect on the outside... until a one or two bite experience proves very different!

In some countries guests don’t feel comfortable expressing the way they feel about a drinking or dining experience with the staff of a business... they walk out silently and don’t return loudly! Many Über customers swear by all sorts of customer survey tools whether on-line, in-house re-directed staff feedback, which allows niggles to be caught, amplified to management and then addressed positively!

One can never be too busy to do better... particularly in the early days... failure to actquickly, incubates bugs into worms and we all know what that tastes like!
