As this year's final countdown begins we reach that moment when you take your deeds into consideration, weight the good and bad and plan what is next to come. Here we're going to do exactly that, but regarding drinks. There will be two posts, one highlighting a drink that stood out for herself and the other about the new year resolution and what I wish to do regarding this wonderful craft.
Now let's get back to the first post. Out of pure coincidence it happens that this drink is somehow seasonal, but when I say seasonal I mean the final taste, not the composing ingredients.
To make myself better understood:

Zsa Zsa:

Grapes 4-5 pieces
Unicum Szilva 1 1/2 oz
Raspberry liqueur 3/4 oz
Fresh squeezed lime juice 3/4 oz
Cranberry juice 1 oz
  • Old fashioned
  • Shake Strain
  • Forest fruits and mint
Ok, now that you got my point we have here quite a bunch of fresh stuff, until Szilva drops like a hammer and turns everything in a very interesting way. That plum and herbal action over there takes what could be a refreshing summer cooler and turns it in a wonderful libation perfectly suited to be sipped by the hearth.
You get fruits, you get acidity all shrouded in a veil of dark flavors. The most important part, people liked it a lot and this is quite an accomplishment for us, because here in Romania people are very picky about their flavors. The average flavor profile is sweet and sour, but more on the sweet part. This brings me a lot of joy because it seems our efforts are starting to yield results, and our guests are becoming more aware, knowledgeable and daring.
Only if I had the wits to discover Zsa Zsa first!
Yeah that's right this drink actually belongs to my colleague Ciprian Stefan and I think it's really important to give someone credit for his creation and about this matter, plus much more we'll discuss in the next post.