Juniperlooza was billed as “a festival celebrating juniper featuring live music, food trucks, a wall of punch, and bartenders that you all know and love”. It was a festival with so much gin that you could pass out drunk in the red telephone box wearing a tutu in 49 minutes and so many badass bartenders that you felt inclined to drink everything they made and do just that.

There were so many drinks to be had that I think I actually left the event with only a solid 3 under my bonnet, 2 of them from the dapper gents at the Savoy pop-up. The trimmed hedge walls and soft couches provided a real comfort from the throngs of folks flanking the crowded side-by-side bars in the main room.

The Savoy had a short but excellently executed list of classic cocktails including the Hoffman House, The Hanky Panky, and an apropos, if premature, Corpse Reviver. Beads of saline rolling down their faces, they still cracked smiles and maintained the politest of demeanors throughout the evening as their American counterparts abandoned their stations and partied it out on the dance floor.

There were plenty of punches to be had including a mouth-staining blue curacao version. Here are a few pictures of the goings-on:

The Swag Tent was sacked in 10 minutes flat.

The food truck. This lonesome food truck was gladly attacked by hungry imbibers.

Cutting ice on the artificial turf. Why not?

“Dang, I wish I’d made a punch.” Nice stir, btw.

This kid was out on the floor for a hot minute.

Next year, I feel it might be a bit more exciting just to have 1 big delicious punch bowl in the center of the room and then everyone could just get their drink on and start dancing. That and bottled Negronis. That would be lovely.

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