b4+n.jpgI have been so excited to see these new Mezcal Don Amado labels and try the new bottling ABV / proof on each one. Here is a before and after picture of the Plata next to the Rustico: Very sexy . . right?

The new ABV / Proof will be:
Rustico- 47% ABV~94 Proof
Reposado 45% ABV~90 Proof
Añejo 43.5% ABV~87 Proof

The ABV (Alcohol by volume) is adjusted purified spring water (instead of using the deadly heads or disgusting tails from the distillate--which is how some people adjust to their standardized ABV.).

The beautiful new Mezcal Don Amado labels were designed by Dave Stolte, the awesome and wonderful author of Home Bar Basics.

Here is a picture of all three of them together:


These should be hitting the market in a couple months. I will write them up as soon as I see them.

Click the link to see more Mezcal Mondays!

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