It’s here. The time of year you’ve been waiting for since the first frost of this past fall. The time of year where you’re more tan (read: a better person), there might be some blonde in your hair thanks to the time you’ve spent lounging by the pool or on the beach catching sun rays. Yeah, you have that option now - lounging by the pool, beach, lake, or whatever body of water you can get your body near.

The countdown to your first drink of the weekend is nearly over. Before you pick your poison, check out this guide for how to wet your whistle over the weekend. Location dependent, of course, these drinks are a good fit for any occasion -- whether you’re with the girls, planning a night out, lounging by the pool or otherwise, check out this guide for how to wet your whistle over the weekend.

Friday Afternoon - After Work Cocktails


Likely one of the most celebrated afternoons of the week, Friday afternoon is when the magic can begin. Many businesses actually host summer Fridays - meaning those lucky employees get off earlier than normal - but not all companies partake in this wonderful opportunity to enjoy more time outside.

Rather, outside the walls of your office.

After 5 o’clock on Friday afternoon, every deadline from the week is in the past. The meeting with your boss is over. You don’t have to see the creepy coworker from down the hall until Monday -- or later, if you’re lucky. However, Friday afternoon is the perfect time to grab an afterwork drink with the coworkers you do enjoy spending some time with.

Forget all of that by filling up your cup with a fruity cocktail including a freshly mashed herb of some kind (basil works great), a slice of fruit of choice like lime, orange, or lemon, and, of course, liquor.

If you’re facing decision fatigue, you should, without a doubt, order a White Wine Siesta -- and you can see what’s in that delicious order here. Americans aren't necessarily known for our wine production (but we sure do drink a lot of wine), but you don't need top shelf grape juice

Saturday - At the Beach (or Lake)


Everyone knows summer weekends are the opportune time to day drink.

The first rule of day drinking is to tone down the proof. Low quantities of alcoholic content in your beverage are fine -- but you’ll want to make sure you can hang for the day. Pack your Yeti smart and freeze some bottles of water the night before. No one wants to be stranded, drunk, on a beach.

One of the best ways to prep yourself for a marathon of day drinking is to create a batch cocktail you can put in a Nalgene-style bottle that will fit in your cooler. Most beaches don’t allow glass bottles, meaning you may need to be creative. Creating your own batched cocktail is the best way to go about this because you can not only have a delicious drink, but you can control the alcohol content while you’re out in the sun, too.

But of course, don’t forget to add a few beers in there, too. Liquor isn’t for everyone! If that’s the case for you and your crew, try Natty Lite’s new Strawberry Lemonade Drinking Beer.

Sunday - Brunch


Mimosas are synonymous with brunch, and brunch has become a staple event of weekend plans. Even though mimosas have increased in popularity by the carafe, there are a bunch of different drinks that go with brunch.

For the coffee lover, real Irish cream is always an option instead of a Bailey’s Irish Creamer you picked up at the grocery store last week. Depending on the most popular coffee drink order in your area, ordering a spiked coffee coffee is never a bad choice with brunch.

Of course, brunch wouldn’t be complete without the mention of another drink: the Bloody Mary. Some places have make-your-own Bloody Mary bars, while others will serve you award winning cocktails by the pitcher.

You can’t go wrong with any of these drinks.
