Girl Drinking Beer

Is drinking beer healthy? Did you know beer actually has nutritional value? This is how drinking beer can be healthy... in moderation of course.

Most people think that drinking beer is unhealthy and that all it does is make you fat. But in reality, it can have some major health advantages. Beer has a lot of healthy nutrients such as protein, riboflavin, vitamin B, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, niacin and iron. These are all nutrients the body needs to perform at peak level.

A study done at Emory University states that people who consume 1.5 drinks per day have 50% less chance of their heart failing on them.

The French, the people who arguably drink the most, have the lowest volume of sufferers of coronary heart disease per capita. So if the French are the biggest drinkers, yet have the lowest numbers of death due to heart problems, it certainly says something about the health benefits for your heart .

Healthy Drinking Recommendations:

  • Do not drink on an empty your stomach (you should already know this)
  • Keep yourself hydrated while drinking beer. Sure, beer has water in it, but alcohol will dehydrate your body. This will also help keep you from feeling horrible the next day.
  • Know how much you can drink and drink at a slow pace—your liver will thank you! The liver can only process so much alcohol at a time, so let it do its job, and do not overload it. It takes an hour to cycle a 12 oz. beer through the liver, which is the pace you should try to make a standard for yourself.

So as you see, drinking beer in moderation can have many health benefits, but the key is moderation. Millions and millions of people love beer. If you know how to drink beer in a healthy manner, the health benefits should outweigh the negatives.

Beer Cartoon Now have yourself a cold one. Cheers!